Theme of the Meeting

  • Theme of the 70th Meeting
Being brave is all about one's attitude and it also comes with time, experience, and some motivation.Not everyone is brave enough to live their life full of confidence because it requires some amount of motivation. The most important and easiest way to bring out someone's bravery is just to appreciate them in whatever the work they are doing and boost them up.

  • Theme of the 69th Meeting

  • "Friendship, a state of enduring affection, esteem, intimacy, and trust between two people. In all cultures, friendships are important relationships throughout a person's life span."

  • Theme of the 68th Meeting

“A life without challenge, a life without hardship, a life without purpose, seems pale and pointless. With challenge come perseverance and gumption. With hardship come resilience and resolve. With purpose come strength and understanding.”


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